Product & Services

  • Product & Services

  • Single Cell Sequencing
  • Epigenome Sequencing
  • Genome Sequencing
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DNA unconventional fragment sequencing

Service Introduction: DNA unconventional small fragments are non-350bp small fragment libraries that meet the requirements of computer sequencing (generally, the fragments of constructed libraries are distributed in 250bp, 300bp, 400bp and 500bp), and a large amount of genetic information can be obtained by sequencing small fragment libraries based on whole genome sequencing through high-throughput sequencing technology. It can be used to obtain single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), insertion deletion (InDel), structural variation (SV), copy number variation (CNV) and other genetic polymorphism data. It can also be used to evaluate genome size, heterozygosity, GC content and other information, and lay a data foundation for subsequent analysis. Click to download the "Sequencing Service Application Form", fill in the form as required and send it to

Sample request

DNA Library type

Total amount of samples (single library construction)

Unconventional DNA fragments

Animal and plant genome: M≥0.8μg

Small genome (chloroplast/mitochondrial DNA): M≥1.6μg

Microbe genome: M ≥1.2μg

< 500bp PCR product: M ≥0.3μg

500bp PCR product: M ≥1.5μg

Sample type

Deliver guide


The tissue should not be less than 0.5g and be frozen with liquid nitrogen


The number of cells is not less than 2.0×107

Animal blood

For mammals, not less than 1.5ml


Not less than 6ml


No less than 15 patches, rolls, tissue ≥0.5g

Technical route:

Frequently asked questions

Q: How do I choose the right clip size?

The general small fragment library selection of 350bp to meet the analysis needs, due to the timing PE150 sequencing method we use, the fragment will be measured through, resulting in some data waste, but for the need for overlap data, it is recommended to choose a fragment size of 250bp.

Q: Does building libraries of different fragment sizes have an impact on subsequent data analysis?

 If there is no special analysis needs, there is generally no impact, but the size of the fragment will have an impact on the data quality, the fragment of small data will cause data waste, the quality of the partial big data will be poor and the output is unstable, it is generally recommended to choose a fragment of about 350bp.

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